Hand-mixed in Italy with the best spirits in the world
La storia del Porto Azzurro
Entrando nelle note degustative del Gin Helba, cardine della ricetta di Porto Azzurro, prevalgono al naso sentori di macchia mediterranea: mirto e menta selvatica appena accennata, con una leggera nota salmastra data dalle alghe in cui immergersi. In bocca il sapore è fresco e aromatico, con un ginepro mai invasivo ma presente per conferire note balsamiche. Attorno, Patrick ha creato un bouquet di contrasti di estremo prestigio ed eleganza tra l’aspro (il Liquore Salvia e Limone Carlo Alberto e Cointreau) e il dolce (il leggendario Liquore ai Fiori di Sambuco Bols)
Taste a high quality cocktail, wherever you want it: just 3 gestures...
1. Shake
Choose your favorite NIO Cocktails and have a glass full of ice ready. Shake the pack.
Just pinch and tear the colored corner, you do not need to remove it from the paper case.
Pour into the glass and let stand for a minute to enjoy everything perfectly... better in good company.
Featured Articles
Amazing Gin lovers with a special Christmas gift is easy: not just packing a bottle! You can give the best gin in an unusual and very practical version, that is, in the form of a nio cocktails.
Gin Proved: a recipe for an exclusive cocktail by Patrick Pistolesi
A drink dedicated to the most sophisticated Gin lovers, perfect for those moments when we want to be guided by sensations that transport us to distant places.
Low calorie, light and comfortable cocktails for a spring picnic
Is counting calories your favorite hobby? We’ll tell you a secret: you can safely treat yourself to delicious cocktails, but at the same time with few calories, light and suitable for your diet, to take with you for picnics and outdoor trips in the name of quality aperitif.
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